About us
In March 1948 the steering committee of the club was formed, with the incorporation only a year after on November 29th 1949 and the official opening of the green in 1950.
Below are some info on the development of the club, with all costs paid by the club itself whether by funds from loans, proceeds from selling old/er unused items or fundraising events, and the labor done by volunteers from the club. True champions in their own right!
(Funds from grants & works performed by contractors are indicated in italics)
1951: Original stone clubrooms built
1951-52: Installed salt water couch green
1958-59: Installed lighting
1964-65: Installed rubble car parking area
1983-84: Removed salt water couch and planted santanna couch
1985: Sold back portion of land to fund new clubrooms
1985-86: Demolished original stone clubhouse
February 1986: Opened new clubrooms
1986-87: Fenced perimeter of green
1987-88: Upgraded existing ditch walls to concrete
1991: Installed automatic watering system
1996: Upgraded bar facilities
1999: Removed the existing concrete paving between the club room and green. Laid paving bricks. Work carried out by subcontractors.
2000: Enlarged and upgraded the kitchen to comply with ANZFHA to be able to cope with the clubs’ growing needs and work carried out by Innsbruck Homes Also received a donation of new hot water service.
2001: Improved the watering system (micro jet sprinklers) for the natural turf green.
2001: Provided a lock up area for safe storage of BBQ and purchased new BBQ.
2002: Purchased new bowling mats with nearly half the cost covered by grant from the Adelaide Hills Council.
2002: Purchased of ride on mower for cutting the grass to the car park areas.
2003: Purchased a soil and super spreader.
2003: Painted and reinstated the cladding to the back wall of the club rooms.
2003: Removed the rotten timber plinth and installed perm pine with work carried out by contractors. Majority costs covered by club itself and the balance with $1 000 grant from the Adelaide Hills Council.
2004: Purchased bar fridge.
May 2005: Removed existing turf & replaced with synthetic lawn.
May 2005: Upgraded drainage system.
February 2006: Installed floor safe.
May 2006: Removed existing tress to the eastern boundary and replaced with native shrubs.
August 2006: Purchased computerized cash register system.
December 2006: Upgraded and replaced cooking equipment in the kitchen.
January 2007: Purchased 18 sets of bowls for junior development.
November 2007: Purchased & installed rainwater tank, new gutters, stormwater drains and pressure pump for self-sufficient watering of the synthetic green.
November 2007: Upgraded soil shed to become the implement shed.
December 2008: Installed 91,000 litre rainwater tank and associated stormwater drains.
March 2009: Replaced carpet to clubrooms.
November 2009: Upgraded pump and sprinkler system.
2013: Upgraded the lighting.
2013: Shortened the green to enable play in both directions & to prolong the life of the synthetic surface. Put up extra shade at one end.
List of projects completed in progress, so watch this space …
These are only some of the competitions the club has won:
- 1962-63: Won first of 3 Ladies Champion of Champion
- 1965-66: Won first Men’s Champion of Champion HBA
- 1966-67: Won first of three Men’s Division I (One) Pennants
- Won first Men’s Pennants in Division III (Three)
- Won first Ladies Pennant Division III (Three)
- 1985-86: Won first of two Men’s Division II (Two) Pennants
- 1991-92: Won first of three consecutive State Junior Championships
- 1994-95: Won first of eight consecutive Men’s midweek Pennants (Total midweek Pennants: 10)
- 2004: Won first Div III (Three) Pennants competition
- 2009/10: Won the Saturday Div III (Three) Pennants as well as the Wednesday Div I (One) Pennants
Completion of list in progress so watch this space …